Monday, May 27, 2013

Easy "Strawberry Pie Dumplings"

Bored and hungry one day with frozen strawberries to experiment with... Ta da! A easy, yummy (somewhat healthy?) new treat! I think they taste like strawberry pie, hence the name. I've actually gone gluten-free lately (ever since I found out I'm sensitive) so you can make it with gluten-free flour as well, just add more oil and water until the dough is workable.

---"Strawberry Pie Dumplings"---

-A batch of pie crust dough
-Some frozen strawberries
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1 Tbsp sugar

Mix the cinnamon and sugar to make cinnamon sugar. Wrap each frozen strawberry (or two, if they're small) in a thin layer of pie crust dough. Sprinkle the top with just a little cinnamon sugar. Place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Makes about 24 per batch of pie crust if you use large strawberries.